Ph.D. (biol.), Junior Researcher |
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Novichkov PS, Kazakov AE, Ravcheev DA, Leyn SA, Kovaleva GY, Sutormin RA, Kazanov MD, Riehl W, Arkin AP, Dubchak I, Rodionov DA. RegPrecise 3.0 -- A resource for genome-scale exploration of transcriptional regulation in bacteria. BMC Genomics. 2013 Nov 1;14(1):745. PubMed PDF
Rodionov D.A, Novichkov P.S, Stavrovskaya E.D, Rodionova I.A, Li X, Kazanov M.D, Ravcheev D.A, Gerasimova A.V, Kazakov A.E, Kovaleva G.Y, Permina E.A, Laikova O.N, Overbeek R, Romine M.F, Fredrickson J.K, Arkin A.P, Dubchak I, Osterman A.L, Gelfand M.S. Comparative genomic reconstruction of transcriptional networks controlling central metabolism in the Shewanella genus. BMC Genomics. 2011, 12 Suppl 1: S3. PubMed PDF
Kovaleva GY, Gelfand MS. Transcriptional regulation of the methionine and cysteine transport and metabolism in streptococci. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2007, 276(2):207-15. PubMed
Kovaleva GYu, Gel'fand MS. [Regulation of methionine/cysteine biosynthesis in Corynebacterium glutamicum and related genomes]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2007, 41(1):139-150. Russian. PubMed PDF
Kovaleva GY, Bazykin GA, Brudno M, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomics of transcriptional regulation in yeasts and its application to identification of a candidate alpha-isopropylmalate transporter. J Bioinform Comput Biol. 2006, 4(5): 981-98. PubMed PDF Supplementary material
Kovaleva GYu, Makeev VYu, Gelfand MS. Computer analysis of the GCN4 regulon of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S26-S29 PDF
G.Yu. Kovaleva. Regulation of methionine and cysteine biosynthesis in streptococci. 3rd Int. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB’07 (Moscow, Russia, July 2007). (poster)
G.Yu. Kovaleva, M. Gelfand. Regulation of methionine and cysteine biosynthesis in Streptococci. 15th Annu. Int. Conf. On Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 6th European Conf. On Computational Biology ISMB/ECCB’07 (Vienna, Austria, June 2007). (poster)
S.Denisov, R. Nurtdinov, D.Vinogradov, A.Kazakov, G.Kovaleva, M.Gelfand. RASDB – regulation of alternative splicing database. 3rd Int. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB’07 (Moscow, Russia, July 2007). (poster)
Kovaleva G., M. Gelfand. Evolution of the Methionine Biosynthesis Regulation in Streptococci. Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB’2006 (Eilat, Israel January 2007). (poster) PDF
Kovaleva G.Yu and Gelfand M.S. Transcriptional regulation of the methionine biosynthesis in actinobacteria and streptococci. Proceedings of 5th Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure BGRS'2006 (Novosibirsk, July 2006) PDF
Kovaleva G., Bazykin G., Brudno M., Gelfand M. Conservation rate of transcription factor binding sites in Saccharomyces genomes. Proceedings of bioinformatics Italian society, 2005, 45; Milan, Italy. PDF
Kovaleva G., Gelfand M. Identification of a candidate alpha-isopropylmalate transporter. Proceedings of the IVth European Conference on Computational molecular biology (ECCB’05), 2005, P-D7, Madrid, Spain. PDF
Kovaleva G., Gelfand M. Conservation of transcription factor binding sites in fungal genomes. Proceedings of Moscow conference on Computational Molecular biology (MCCMB’05), 2005, 189, Moscow, Russia. PDF
Kovaleva G.Yu., Bazykin G.A., Brudno M., Gelfand M.S. Yeast genome investigation using multiple genome alignments. Proceedings of the XII International Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists “Lomonosov-2005”, 2:17, 2005, Moscow, Russia. PDF
Kovaleva GY, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. The conservation of transcription factor-binding sites in Saccharomyces genomes. International conference on bioinformatics of genome regulation and structure, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 25-30, 2004, vol.2, p. 210-213, abstract. PDF