Trainee Researcher |
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Education and Research experience:
• 2010–present time. Junior Researcher
• 2010–present time. ст. преподаватель ФББ МГУ (программирование)
• 2007–present time. Moscow State University, Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, postgraduate student
• 06.2012–07.2012. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA
• 10.2011–12.2011. Helmholtz Center, Munich, Germany
• 06.2005–07.2005. Leiden University Medical Center (Leiden, Netherlands)
• 2002–2007. Moscow State University, Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
• Severin Prize, 2005.
• Severin Prize, 2004.
Gogleva A.A. (prev. Nikulova), Gelfand M.S., Artamonova I.I. Comparative analysis of CRISPR cassettes from the human gut metagenomic contigs. BMC Genomics. 2014 Mar 17;15:202. PubMed
Nikulova A.A., Favorov A.V., Sutormin R.A., Makeev V.J., Mironov A.A. CORECLUST: identification of the conserved CRM grammar together with prediction of gene regulation. Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40(12): e93. PubMed PDF
Nikulova A.A., Polishchuk M.S., Tumanian V.G., Makeev V., Mironov A.A., Favorov A.V. [Correlations between clusters of protein-DNA binding sites and the binding experimental data allow to predict a structure of regulatory modules]. Biofizika 2012 57(2): 212-214. Russian. PubMed PDF
Romanenkov A.S., Ustyugov A.A., Zatsepin T.S., Nikulova A.A., Kolesnikov I.V., Metelev V.G., Oretskaya T.S., Kubareva E.A. Analysis of DNA-protein interactions in complexes of transcription factor NF-kappaB with DNA. Biochemistry (Mosc) 2005 70(11): 1212-1222. Russian. PubMed PDF
Borisov A., Nikulova A.A. [A discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical data on energy migration from B800 to B850 in LH-2 antennary complexes in purple bacteria]. Biofizika 2004 49(4): 653-658. Russian. PubMed PDF
Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '12 (The 35th conference organized by Council of Young Scientists and Engineers of IITP RAS), 2012, Petrozavodsk, Russia
• A.A. Nikulova, A.V. Artemov, Thorsten Schmidt. A Generic Java Framework for the Large-scale Comparison of NGS Data (poster)
International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms «BIOINFORMATICS 2012», 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal
• A.A. Nikulova, A.V. Favorov, V.Yu. Makeev and A.A. Mironov. A generalized hidden Markov model for prediction of cis-regulatory modules in eukaryote genomes and description of their internal structure (oral presentation)
Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '11 (The 34th conference organized by Council of Young Scientists and Engineers of IITP RAS), 2011, Gelendzhik, Russia
• A.A. Nikulova, A.V. Favorov, A.A. Mironov. CORECLUST: prediction of cis-regulatory modules and revealing their internal structure (oral presentation)
International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology “MCCMB’11”, 2011, Moscow, Russia
• A.A. Nikulova, A.V. Favorov, A.A. Mironov. An approach to predict cis-regulatory modules and identify conserved regulatory grammar in eukaryotic genomes (poster)
Russian-German seminar «Regulation and Evolution of Cellular Systems” Munich, Germany, 10-13.05.2011
• A.Nikulova. An approach to identify conserved regualtory grammar and predict cis-regulatory modules in eukaryptic genomes (poster)
Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '10 (The 33th conference organized by Council of Young Scientists and Engineers of IITP RAS), 2010, Gelendzhik, Russia
• Никулова А.А., Фаворов А.В., Миронов А.А. Предсказание и анализ консервативных транскрипционных регуляторных областей в геномах рода Drosophila (poster)
Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '09 (The 32th conference organized by Council of Young Scientists and Engineers of IITP RAS), 2009, Bekasovo, Russia
• A.A. Nikulova, R.A. Sutormin, A.V. Favorov, A.A. Mironov. Prediction and Comparative Analysis of Transcriptional Regulatory Regions in Drosophila Genomes (oral presentation)
International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology “MCCMB’09”, 2009, Moscow, Russia
• A.A. Nikulova, A.A. Mironov. Prediction of regulatory elements in Drosophila genomes using hidden Markov model based on the arrangements of transcription factor binding sites (poster)
Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '08 (The 31th conference organized by Council of Young Scientists and Engineers of IITP RAS), 2008, Gelendzhik, Russia
• Никулова А.А., Сутормин Р.А., Фаворов А.В., Миронов А.А. Построение HMM, основанной на правилах взаиморасположения сайтов связывания транскрипционных факторов, и ее применение для поиска корегулируемых генов в геномах рода Drosophila (oral presentation)
Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '07 (The 30th conference organized by Council of Young Scientists and Engineers of IITP RAS), 2007, Zvenigorod, Russia
• Никулова А.А., Миронов А.А. Поиск и анализ кластеров сайтов связывания транскрипционных факторов в геномах млекопитающих (poster)
International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology “MCCMB’07”, 2007, Moscow, Russia
• A.A. Nikulova, A.A. Mironov. Computational prediction and analysis of transcriptional regulatory modules in mammals (poster)
ХIII International Conference “Lomonosov-2006”, 2006, Moscow, Russia
• Percovskaya I.M., Nikulova A.A. Computational identification of cis-regulatory modules in vertebrates (oral presentation)
International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology “MCCMB’05”, 2005, Moscow, Russia
• A.S. Karyagina, A.S. Ershova, I.A. Olovnikov, E.A. Aksianov, A.Yu. Ryazanova, T.A. Salimonova, A.A. Nikulova, S.A. Spirin, A.V. Alexeevski, E.A. Kubareva. Analysis of conserved hydrophobic cores in proteins and supramolecular complexes (poster)