Students projects 2011-2012 |
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• Master thesis
- Elena Jalovaja (MIPT-EIMB, master thesis / thesis, School of Data Analysis)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Ol'ga Bochkareva (MIPT-EIMB master thesis / thesis, School of Data Analysis)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Elizaveta Sirotinskaja (MIPT-EIMB master thesis / thesis, School of Data Analysis)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Evgenija Klimova (FBB, master thesis)
scientific adviser A.A. Mironov
- Svetlana Petrova (FBB, master thesis)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Anfisa Popova (FBB, master thesis)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
• Term papers
- Elena Lopatina (MIPT, V term / School of Data Analysis)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Aleksej Stupnikov (MIPT, V term / School of Data Analysis)
scientific adviser E.E. Khrameeva
- Марина Борисова (FBB, IV term)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Ivan Rusinov (FBB, IV term)
scientific adviser M.S. Nikulova
- Zoja Chervonceva (FBB, III term)
scientific adviser M.S. Gelfand
- Anastasija Guljaeva (FBB, III term)
scientific adviser E.E. Khrameeva
- Aleksandr Belushkin (FBB, II term)
scientific adviser M.D. Kazanov
- Ekaterina Zhuravleva (FBB, II term)
scientific adviser M.D. Stavrovskaya
- Dmitrij Zubankov, Aleksej Lipnjagov (HSE, III term)
scientific adviser I.I. Artamonova, M.S. Gelfand
- Chamindri Witharana (Giessen University) Functional analysis of individual domains in the RNA binding subunits of the Sulfolobus solfataricus exosome
scientific adviser G.Klug, M.S. Gelfand
- Heinrich Eckhof (Giessen University)
scientific adviser A.Bindereif, M.Gelfand
- Nadine Albrecht (RECESS, TUM) Regulatory action and target effects of ncRNA
scientific adviser H.W. Mewes, A. Mironov
- Matthias Bock (RECESS, TUM) Learning of Probabilistic Models to Infer Regulatory Networks
scientific adviser S. Kramer, M. Gelfand
- Ludwig Geistlinger (RECESS, LMU) Significant Biological Subnetworks
scientific adviser R. Zimmer, M. Gelfand
- Robert Pesch (RECESS, LMU) Conservation of regulatory networks
scientific adviser R. Zimmer, A.Mironov
- Constanze Schmitt (RECESS, TUM) Probabilistic Learning of Petri Nets for Applications in Systems Biology
scientific adviser Stefan Kramer, M. Gelfand
- Rayna Stamboliyska (RECESS, LMU) Gene expression variation in Drosophila
scientific adviser J. Parsch, A.Mironov
- Pegah Tavakkolkhah (RECESS, TUM) Inference of Biological Networks
scientific adviser R. Zimmer, M. Gelfand