Ph.D. student |
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Education and Research experience:
• 2011. Short-term Scholar, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO, USA Minimal genome encoding proteins with constrained amino acid repertoire”
• 2007–2008. Short-term Scholar, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO, USA “Metagenomic analysis of hadopelagic microbial assemblages thriving at the deepest part of Mediterranean Sea”
• 2007–2008. “Comparative genomics of the ethanolamine utilization pathway”, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO, USA (Master thesis , academic advisers Mushegian A.R., Gelfand M.S.)
Ravcheev D.A., Khoroshkin M.S., Laikova O.N., Tsoy O.V., Sernova N.V., Petrova S.A., Rakhmaninova A.B., Novichkov P.S., Gelfand M.S. and Rodionov D.A. Comparative genomics and evolution of regulons of the LacI-family transcription factors. Front Microbiol. 2014 Jun 11;5:294. PubMed PDF
Tsoy O.V., Pyatnitskiy M.A., Kazanov M.D., Gelfand M.S. Evolution of transcriptional regulation in closely related bacteria. BMC Evol Biol 2012 12(1): 200. PubMed PDF
Smedile F., Messina E., La Cono V., Tsoy O., Monticelli L.S., Borghini M., Giuliano L., Golyshin P.N., Mushegian A., Yakimov M.M. Metagenomic analysis of hadopelagic microbial assemblages thriving at the deepest part of Mediterranean Sea, Matapan-Vavilov Deep. Environ Microbiol 2012 PubMed PDF
Vinogradov D.V., Tsoi O.V., Zaika A.V., Lobanov A.V., Turanov A.A., Gladyshev V.N., Gel'fand M.S. [Draft macronuclear genome of a ciliate Euplotes crassus]. Mol Biol (Mosk) 2012 46(2): 361-366. Russian. PubMed PDF
Tsoy O., Ravcheev D., Mushegian A. Comparative genomics of ethanolamine utilization. J Bacteriol 2009 191(23): 7157-7164. PubMed PDF
• Tsoy O., Evolution of transcriptional regulation in bacteria (2011). Russian-German seminar «Regulation and Evolution of Cellular Systems” Munich, Germany, 10-13.05.2011
• Tsoy O., Gelfand M. Evolution of transcriptional regulation in Enterobacteriales (2011). ASMBMB Symposia 2011
• Tsoy O. The evolution of transcriptional regulation in bacteria (2011). RECESS (Regulation and Evolution of Cellular Systems)
• Tsoy O. Evolution of graph motifs in prokaryotic transcription networks (2010). Information Technologies and Systems, ITaS '10
• Tsoy O., Mushegian A. Ethanolamine utilization: comparative genomics of spoiled food (2010), RECESS (Regulation and Evolution of Cellular Systems)