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Rodionov D.A, Novichkov P.S, Stavrovskaya E.D, Rodionova I.A, Li X, Kazanov M.D, Ravcheev D.A, Gerasimova A.V, Kazakov A.E, Kovaleva G.Y, Permina E.A, Laikova O.N, Overbeek R, Romine M.F, Fredrickson J.K, Arkin A.P, Dubchak I, Osterman A.L, Gelfand M.S. Comparative genomic reconstruction of transcriptional networks controlling central metabolism in the Shewanella genus. BMC Genomics. 2011, 12 Suppl 1: S3. PubMed PDF
Novichkov P.S, Rodionov D.A, Stavrovskaya E.D, Novichkova E.S, Kazakov A.E, Gelfand M.S, Arkin A.P, Mironov A.A, Dubchak I. RegPredict: an integrated system for regulon inference in prokaryotes by comparative genomics approach. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010, 38: W299-307. PubMed PDF
Feklistov A, Barinova N, Sevostyanova A, Heyduk E, Bass I, Vvedenskaya I, Kuznedelov K, Merkiene E, Stavrovskaya E, Klimasauskas S, Nikiforov V, Heyduk T, Severinov K, Kulbachinskiy A. A basal promoter element recognized by free RNA polymerase sigma subunit determines promoter recognition by RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Mol Cell. 2006, 23(1):97-107. PubMed PDF
E.D Stavrovskaya, VYu. Makeev, AA. Mironov. [ClusterTree-RS: A Binary Tree Algorithm Identifying Coregulated Genes by Clustering Regulatory Signals] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2006, 40(3): 465-473. Russian. PubMed
Stavrovskaya ED, Mironov AA. Two genetic algorithms for identification of regulatory signals. In Silico Biol. 2003, 3(1-2):49-56 PubMed PDF
Stavrovskaya ED, Mironov AA. Clustering regulatory signals by binary trees. Biophysics (Moscow), 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S17-S20 PDF
E. Stavrovskaya, D.A. Rodionov, A.A. Mironov, I. Dubchak, P.S. Novichkov. Iterative Statistical Approach for Discovering Evolutionary Conserved Members of Regulon. Proceedings of the conference Information Technologies and Systems (ITaS'09). P. 324-32, 15-18 December 2009, Bekasovo, Russia
E. Stavrovskaya, D.A. Rodionov, A.A. Mironov, I. Dubchak, P.S. Novichkov. Statistical approach for discovering evolutionary conserved members of regulon. Proc. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB'09). P. 336-338. July 20-23, 2009, Moscow, Russia
P.S. Novichkov, E.D. Stavrovskaya, M.S. Gelfand, A.A. Mironov, I. Dubchak, D.A. Rodionov. Platform for the accurate semi-automatic inference of regulons by comparative genomics approach. Proc. RECOMB 2009, May 2009, Tucson, USA
E. Stavrovskaya, M.Cipriano, I.L.Dubchak, A.A.Mironov, M.S.Gelfand. Automated search for regulatory motifs in upstream regions of genes from the functional subsystems. 3rd Int. Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB’07 (Moscow, Russia, July 2007). (poster) p. 283
E.D. Stavrovskaya, V.J.Makeev, I.V.Merkeev, A.A.Mironov. Tool for Automatic Detection of Co-regulated Genes. Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB’2006 (Eilat, Israel January 2007). (poster)
ED. Stavrovskaya, VJ. Makeev, IV. Merkeev, AA. Mironov. Tool for automatics detection of co-regulated genes. Proceedings of 5th Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure BGRS'2006 (Novosibirsk, July 2006)
E.D. Stavrovskaya, V.J. Makeev, A.A. Mironov. ClusterTree-RS: The binary tree algorithm for identification of co-regulated genes by clustering regulatory signals. Proceedings of the international conference MCCMB’2005; 385
E.D. Stavrovskaya, A.A. Mironov. Binary tree for clustering of regulatory signals. Proceedings of the international conference BITS’2005; 85
E.D. Stavrovskaya, A.A. Mironov. Binary tree for clustering of regulatory signals. Proceedings of the fourth international conference BGRS’2004; V. 1: 195-199
E.D. Stavrovskaya, A.A. Mironov. Binary tree for clusterization of regulatory signals. Proceedings of the international conference MCCMB’03 2003; 218-219
E.D. Stavrovskaya, A.A. Mironov. A genetic algorithm for identification of regulatory signals. Proceedings of the third international conference BGRS’2002; V. 1: 26-27