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2007. Премия имени А.А. Баева Российской академии наук за 2007 года за цикл работ "Компьютерная сравнительная геномика"
Декабрь 2006. Премия за лучшую публикацию в российских научных журналах за 2005 год (МАИК "Наука") за цикл работ по биоинформатике в журнале "Молекулярная биология"
Научное руководство:
Р.Н. Нуртдинов, к.ф.-м.н. (биоинформатика) Эволюция альтернативного сплайсинга генов млекопитающих (13.11.2008, ИППИ РАН).
Е.Д. Ставровская, к.ф.-м.н. (биоинформатика) Компьютернае методы массового анализа регуляции транскрипции в бактериях. (30.10.2008, ИППИ РАН).
РА. Сутормин, к.ф.-м.н. (биофизика), н.рук. АА. Миронов. Использование вероятностных методов для анализа аминокислотных последовательностей мембранных белков. (ИТЭБ РАН, Пущино, 22.03.2007)
А. Неверов, к.б.н. (молекулярная биология), н.рук. АА. Миронов. Компьютерный анализ сплайсинга. (ГосНИИГенетика, Москва, 6.03.2007)
Denisov S.V., Bazykin G.A., Sutormin R., Favorov A.V., Mironov A.A., Gelfand M.S. and Kondrashov A.S. Weak Negative and Positive Selection and the Drift Load at Splice Sites. Genome Biol Evol. 2014 May 14;6(6):1437-47. PubMed PDF
Cipriano M.J., Novichkov P.N., Kazakov A.E., Rodionov D.A., Arkin A.P., Gelfand M.S., Dubchak I. RegTransBase--a database of regulatory sequences and interactions based on literature: a resource for investigating transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes. BMC Genomics 2013 14(213. PubMed PDF
Favorov A., Mularoni L., Cope L.M., Medvedeva Y., Mironov A.A., Makeev V.J., Wheelan S.J. Exploring massive, genome scale datasets with the GenometriCorr package. PLoS Comput Biol 2012 8(5): e1002529. PubMed PDF
Nikulova A.A., Polishchuk M.S., Tumanian V.G., Makeev V., Mironov A.A., Favorov A.V. [Correlations between clusters of protein-DNA binding sites and the binding experimental data allow to predict a structure of regulatory modules]. Biofizika 2012 57(2): 212-214. PubMed PDF
Khrameeva E.E., Mironov A.A., Fedonin G.G., Khaitovich P., Gelfand M.S. Spatial proximity and similarity of the epigenetic state of genome domains. PLoS One 2012 7(4): e33947. PubMed PDF
Nikulova A.A., Favorov A.V., Sutormin R.A., Makeev V.J., Mironov A.A. CORECLUST: identification of the conserved CRM grammar together with prediction of gene regulation. Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40(12): e93. PubMed PDF
Pervouchine D.D., Khrameeva E.E., Pichugina M.Y., Nikolaienko O.V., Gelfand M.S., Rubtsov P.M., Mironov A.A. Evidence for widespread association of mammalian splicing and conserved long-range RNA structures. Rna 2012 18(1): 1-15. PubMed PDF
Chursov A., Walter M.C., Schmidt T., Mironov A., Shneider A., Frishman D. Sequence-structure relationships in yeast mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 2012 40(3): 956-962. PubMed PDF
Vakhrusheva A.A, Kazanov M.D, Mironov A.A, Bazykin G.A. Evolution of prokaryotic genes by shift of stop codons. J Mol Evol. 2011, 72: 138-46. PubMed PDF
Mazin P.V, Gelfand M.S, Mironov A.A, Rakhmaninova A.B, Rubinov A.R, Russell R.B, Kalinina O.V. An automated stochastic approach to the identification of the protein specificity determinants and functional subfamilies. Algorithms Mol Biol. 2010, 5: 29. PubMed PDF
Novichkov P.S, Rodionov D.A, Stavrovskaya E.D, Novichkova E.S, Kazakov A.E, Gelfand M.S, Arkin A.P, Mironov A.A, Dubchak I. RegPredict: an integrated system for regulon inference in prokaryotes by comparative genomics approach. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010, 38: W299-307. PubMed PDF
Nurtdinov R.N, Mironov A.A, Gelfand M.S. Rodent-specific alternative exons are more frequent in rapidly evolving genes and in paralogs. BMC Evol Biol. 2009, 9: 142. PubMed PDF
Gelfand MS, Kazakov AE, Korostelev YD, Laikova ON, Mironov AA, Rakhmaninova AB, Ravcheev DA, Rodionov DA, Vitreschak AG. Evolution of Regulatory Systems in Bacteria. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. 2009; 5542 (ISBRA 2009): 1-4
Raker V.A, Mironov A.A, Gelfand M.S, Pervouchine D.D. Modulation of alternative splicing by long-range RNA structures in Drosophila. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, 37(14):4533-44 PubMed PDF
Ramensky V.E, Nurtdinov R.N, Neverov A.D, Mironov A.A, Gelfand M.S. Positive selection in alternatively spliced exons of human genes. Am J Hum Genet. 2008, 83: 94-8. PubMed PDF
I.V. Merkeev, A.A. Mironov. [Orphan genes: function, evolution, composition]. Mol Biol (Mosk). Russian. 2008,42: 143-9 PubMed PDF
Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Lyubetsky VA, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomic analysis of T-box regulatory systems in bacteria. RNA. 2008 Apr;14(4):717-35. PubMed PDF
Nurtdinov RN, Neverov AD, Favorov AV, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Conserved and species-specific alternative splicing in mammalian genomes. BMC Evol Biol. 2007, 7(1):249. PubMed PDF
АА. Миронов. Метод поиска консервативных структур РНК. Молекулярная биология. 2007, 41:(4) 711-718. PubMed PDF
Ravcheev DA, Gerasimova AV, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomic analysis of regulation of anaerobic respiration in ten genomes from three families of gamma-proteobacteria (Enterobacteriaceae, Pasteurellaceae, Vibrionaceae). BMC Genomics. 2007, 8:54. PubMed PDF
Kazakov AE, Cipriano MJ, Novichkov PS, Minovitsky S, Vinogradov DV, Arkin A, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS, Dubchak I. RegTransBase--a database of regulatory sequences and interactions in a wide range of prokaryotic genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007, D407-12. PubMed PDF
РН. Нуртдинов, АД. Неверов, ДБ. Малько, ИА. Космодемьянский, ЕО. Ермакова, ВЕ. Раменский, АА. Миронов, МС. Гельфанд. EDAS - база данных альтернативно сплайсированных генов человека. Биофизика. 2006, 51(4):589-92. PubMed PDF
РА. Сутормин, АА. Миронов. Вероятностный метод предсказания трансмембранных участков по множественным выравниваниям аминокислотных последовательностей. Молекулярная биология. 2006, 40:(3) 541-545. PubMed PDF
Литвинов ИИ, Лобанов МЮ, Миронов АА, Финкельштейн АВ, Ройтберг МА. Информация о вторичной структуре белка улучшает качество выравнивания. Молекулярная биология. 2006, 40(3):533-40. PubMed
ЕД. Ставровская, ВЮ. Макеев, АА. Миронов ClusterTree-RS: алгоритм кластеризации регуляторных сигналов с помощью бинарного дерева. Молекулярная биология. 2006, 40(3): 465-473 PubMed
Danilova L.V, Pervouchine D.D, Favorov A.V, Mironov A.A. RNAKinetics: a web server that models secondary structure kinetics of an elongating RNA. J Bioinform Comput Biol. 2006, 4: 589-96. PubMed PDF
Kucherov G, Mironov AA, Roytberg MA. An overview of the algorithmic session of MCCMB'05. JBCB. 2006, 4(2): xv-xvi. site
Merkeev IV, Novichkov PS, Mironov AA. PHOG: a database of supergenomes built from proteome complements. BMC Evol Biol. 2006, 6(1):52 PubMed PDF
Merkeev I, Mironov AA. PHOG-BLAST - a new generation tool for fast similarity search of protein families. BMC Evol Biol. 2006, 6(1):51 PubMed PDF
Spirin V, Gelfand MS, Mironov AA, Mirny LA. A metabolic network in the evolutionary context: Multiscale structure and modularity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2006, 103(23):8774-9 PubMed PDF
Malko DB, Makeev VJ, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Evolution of exon-intron structure and alternative splicing in fruit flies and malarial mosquito genomes. Genome Res. 2006, [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PDF Supplementary material
Neverov AD, Mironov AA., Gelfand MS. Similarity-based gene recognition. Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology (Chapman & Hall/CRC). Ed. Alluru S. 2006, 2-1–2-18
Gelfand MS. Computational analysis of alternative splicing. Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology (Chapman & Hall/CRC). Ed. Alluru S. 2006, 16-1–16-33.
Neverov A.D, Artamonova I.I, Nurtdinov R.N, Frishman D, Gelfand M.S, Mironov A.A. Alternative splicing and protein function. BMC Bioinformatics. 2005, 6(1):266 PubMed PDF
Д.А. Равчеев, А.Б. Рахманинова, А.А. Миронов, М.С. Гельфанд. Регуляция нитрат-нитритного дыхания гамма-протеобактерий: исследование методами сравнительной геномики. Мол. биол., 2005, 39(5): 832-46 PubMed PDF
Gelfand MS, Gerasimova AV, Kotelnikova EA, Laikova ON, Makeev VY, Mironov AA, Panina EM, Ravcheev DA, Rodionov DA, Vitreschak AG
Comparative genomics and evolution of bacterial regulatory systems.
Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II (Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.) P. 111-119 (2005)
Eds. Kolchanov N. and Hofestaedt R.
Tompa M, Li N, Bailey TL, Church GM, De Moor B, Eskin E, Favorov AV, Frith MC, Fu Y, Kent WJ, Makeev VJ, Mironov AA, Noble WS, Pavesi G, Pesole G, Regnier M, Simonis N, Sinha S, Thijs G, van Helden J, Vandenbogaert M, Weng Z, Workman C, Ye C, Zhu Z. Assessing computational tools for the discovery of transcription factor binding sites. Nat Biotechnol. 2005, 23(1):137-44. PubMed PDF
Favorov AV, Gelfand MS, Gerasimova AV, Ravcheev DA, Mironov AA, Makeev VJ. A Gibbs sampler for identification of symmetrically structured, spaced DNA motifs with improved estimation of the signal length. Bioinformatics. 2005, 21(10):2240-5. PubMed PDF
Novichkov PS, Omelchenko MV, Gelfand MS, Mironov AA, Wolf YI, Koonin EV. Genome-wide molecular clock and horizontal gene transfer in bacterial evolution. J Bacteriol. 2004, 186(19):6575-85. PubMed PDF
Kalinina OV, Novichkov PS, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS, Rakhmaninova AB. SDPpred: a tool for prediction of amino acid residues that determine differences in functional specificity of homologous proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004, 32(Web Server issue):W424-8. PubMed PDF
Rodionov DA, Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomics of the methionine metabolism in Gram-positive bacteria: a variety of regulatory systems. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004, 32(11):3340-53. Print 2004. PubMed PDF
Kalinina OV, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS, Rakhmaninova AB. Automated selection of positions determining functional specificity of proteins by comparative analysis of orthologous groups in protein families. Protein Sci. 2004, 13(2):443-56. PubMed PDF
Mironov AA, Gel'fand MS. [Prediction and computer analysis of the exon-intron structure of human genes] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2004, 38(1):82-91. Russian. PubMed PDF
Vitreschak AG, Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Riboswitches: the oldest mechanism for the regulation of gene expression? Trends Genet. 2004, 20(1):44-50. PubMed PDF
Rodionov DA, Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Regulation of lysine biosynthesis and transport genes in bacteria: yet another RNA riboswitch? Nucleic Acids Res. 2003, 31(23):6748-57. PubMed PDF
Rodionov DA, Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomics of the vitamin B12 metabolism and regulation in prokaryotes. J Biol Chem. 2003, 278(42):41148-59 PubMed PDF
Gorbunov KIu, Mironov AA, Liubetskii VA. [Search for conservative secondary structures of RNA] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2003, 37(5):850-60. Russian. PubMed
Vitreschak AG, Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Regulation of the vitamin B12 metabolism and transport in bacteria by a conserved RNA structural element. RNA. 2003, 9(9):1084-97. PubMed PDF
Panina EM, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomics of bacterial zinc regulons: enhanced ion transport, pathogenesis, and rearrangement of ribosomal proteins.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003, 100(17):9912-7. PubMed PDF
Nurtdinov RN, Artamonova II, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Low conservation of alternative splicing patterns in the human and mouse genomes. Hum Mol Genet. 2003, 12(11):1313-20. PubMed PDF
Panina EM, Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Regulation of biosynthesis and transport of aromatic amino acids in low-GC Gram-positive bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2003, 222(2):211-20. PubMed PDF
Stavrovskaya ED, Mironov AA. Two genetic algorithms for identification of regulatory signals. In Silico Biol. 2003, 3(1-2):49-56 PubMed
Stavrovskaya ED, Mironov AA. Clustering regulatory signals by binary trees. Biophysics (Moscow), 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S17-S20 PDF
Gerasimova A.V, Gelfand M.S, Makeev V.Yu, Mironov A.A, Favorov A.V. ArcA regulator of gamma-proteobacteria: identification of the binding signal and description of the regulon. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S21-S25 PDF
Vinogradov D.V, Mironov A.A. ProMult: prediction of the exon-introns tructure by spliced alignment with several proteins. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S68-S70 PDF
Neverov A.D, Gelfand M.S, Mironov A.A. GipsyGene: a statistics-based gene recognizer for fungal genomes. Biophysics (Moscow), 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S71-S75 PDF
Lobashev A.V, Skoblov M.Yu, Stepanova M, Dickerson L, Baranova A.V, Mironov A.A, Yankovsky N.K. Single nucleotide polymorphism density distribution in the human genome as seen in public databases: possibility of gene set comparisons but not comparisons of genomic regions. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S81-S84 PDF
Merkeev I.V, Mironov A.A. Profile Clusters Derived from BLOCKS Suggest a Simple Model of Column Evolution in Multiple Alignments of Protein Families. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S110-S115 PDF
Merkeev I.V, Novichkov P.S, Mironov A.A. TOGs vs COGs: a Database of Supergenomes Built from Proteome Complements. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S116-S122 PDF
Kalinina O.V, Gelfand M.S, Mironov A.A, Rakhmaninova A.B. Amino acid residues forming specific contacts between subunits in tetramers of the membrane channel GlpF. Biophysics (Moscow). 2003, 48 Suppl. 1 S141-S145 PDF
Rodionov DA, Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Comparative genomics of thiamin biosynthesis in procaryotes. New genes and regulatory mechanisms. J Biol Chem. 2002, 277(50):48949-59 PubMed PDF
Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Conservation of the biotin regulon and the BirA regulatory signal in Eubacteria and Archaea. Genome Res. 2002, 12(10):1507-16. PubMed PDF
Д.А. Равчеев, М.С. Гельфанд, А.А. Миронов, А.Б. Рахманинова. Пуриновый регулон гамма-протеобактерий. Детальное описание. Генетика. 2002, 38(9):1203-14. PubMed PDF
Vitreschak AG, Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Regulation of riboflavin biosynthesis and transport genes in bacteria by transcriptional and translational attenuation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30(14):3141-51. PubMed PDF
Nurtdinov RN, Mironov AA, Gel'fand MS. [Is alternative splicing of mammalian genes conservative?] Biofizika. 2002, 47(4):587-94. Russian. PubMed
Permina EA, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Damage-repair error-prone polymerases of eubacteria: association with mobile genome elements. Gene. 2002, 293(1-2):133-40. PubMed PDF
Baytaluk MV, Gelfand MS, Mironov AA. Exact mapping of prokaryotic gene starts. Brief Bioinform. 2002, 3(2):181-94. PubMed PDF
Baitaliuk MV, Gel'fand MS, Mironov AA. [Comparative approach to correction of annotated gene starts in complete bacterial genomes] Biofizika. 2002, 47(2):197-203. Russian. PubMed
Laikova ON, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Computational analysis of the transcriptional regulation of pentose utilization systems in the gamma subdivision of Proteobacteria. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2001, 205(2):315-22. PubMed PDF
Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Transcriptional regulation of pentose utilisation systems in the Bacillus/Clostridium group of bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2001, 205(2):305-14. PubMed PDF
Panina EM, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Comparative analysis of FUR regulons in gamma-proteobacteria. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001, 29(24):5195-206. PubMed PDF
Novichkov PS, Gelfand MS, Mironov AA. Gene recognition in eukaryotic DNA by comparison of genomic sequences. Bioinformatics. 2001, 17(11):1011-8. PubMed PDF
Sadovskaia NS, Laikova ON, Mironov AA, Gel'fand MS. [Study on regulation of long-chain fatty acid metabolism with the use of computer analysis of complete bacterial genomes] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2001, 35(6):1010-4. Russian. PubMed PDF
Gerasimova AV, Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Gel'fand MS. [Computer analysis of regulatory signals in bacterial genomes. Fnr binding segments] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2001, 35(6):1001-9. Russian. PubMed PDF
Panina EM, Vitreschak AG, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Regulation of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in gamma-proteobacteria. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 2001, 3(4):529-43. PubMed PDF
А.Б. Рахманинова, А.А. Миронов. Изменение энтропии свободной полипептидной цепи при образовании водородных связей. Мол. биол., 2001, 35(3):451-61. PubMed
Rodionov DA, Gelfand MS, Mironov AA, Rakhmaninova AB. Comparative approach to analysis of regulation in complete genomes: multidrug resistance systems in gamma-proteobacteria. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 2001, 3(2):319-24. PubMed PDF
Mironov AA, Novichkov PS, Gelfand MS. Pro-Frame: similarity-based gene recognition in eukaryotic DNA sequences with errors. Bioinformatics. 2001, 17(1):13-5. PubMed PDF
Makarova KS, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS. Conservation of the binding site for the arginine repressor in all bacterial lineages. Genome Biol. 2001, 2(4):RESEARCH0013 PubMed PDF
Gelfand MS, Novichkov PS, Novichkova ES, Mironov AA. Comparative analysis of regulatory patterns in bacterial genomes. Brief Bioinform. 2000, 1(4):357-71. PubMed
Rodionov DA, Mironov AA, Rakhmaninova AB, Gelfand MS. Transcriptional regulation of transport and utilization systems for hexuronides, hexuronates and hexonates in gamma purple bacteria. Mol Microbiol. 2000, 38(4):673-83. PubMed PDF
Kreneva RA, Gel'fand MS, Mironov AA, Iomantas IuA, Kozlov IuI, Mironov AS, Perumov DA. [Study of the phenotypic occurrence of ura gene inactivation in Bacillus subtilis] Genetika. 2000, 36(8):1166-8. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Vinokurova NP, Gel'fand MS. [Software for analyzing bacterial genomes] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2000, 34(2):253-62. Russian. PubMed
Panina EM, Mironov AA, Gel'fand MS. [Statistical analysis of complete bacterial genomes: palindromes and systems of restriction-modification] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2000, 34(2):246-52. Russian. PubMed
Novichkov PS, Gel'fand MS, Mironov AA. [Prediction of the exon-intron structure by comparing nucleotide sequences from various genomes] Mol Biol (Mosk). 2000, 34(2):230-6. Russian. PubMed
Gelfand MS, Koonin EV, Mironov AA. Prediction of transcription regulatory sites in Archaea by a comparative genomic approach. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000, 28(3):695-705. PubMed PDF
Mironov AA, Fickett JW, Gelfand MS. Frequent alternative splicing of human genes. Genome Res. 1999, 9(12):1288-93. PubMed PDF
Gel'fand MS, Mironov AA. [Computational biology at the turn of the decade] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1999, 33(6):969-84. Russian. PubMed
Gelfand MS, Mironov AA, Jomantas J, Kozlov YI, Perumov DA. A conserved RNA structure element involved in the regulation of bacterial riboflavin synthesis genes. Trends Genet. 1999, 15(11):439-42. PubMed PDF
Gel'fand MS, Mironov AA. [Computer analysis of regulatory signals in complete bacterial genomes. Participation of LexA and DinR binding] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1999, 33(5):772-8. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Koonin EV, Roytberg MA, Gelfand MS. Computer analysis of transcription regulatory patterns in completely sequenced bacterial genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 1999, 27(14):2981-9. PubMed PDF
И.В. Григорьев, А.А. Миронов, А.Б. Рахманинова. Уточнение границ спиралей в альфа-спиральных глобулярных белках. Мол. биол., 1999, 33(2):242-51. PubMed
Mironov AA, Pevzner PA. SST versus EST in gene recognition. Microb Comp Genomics. 1999, 4(3):167-72. PubMed
Mironov AA, Frishman D, Gelfand MS. [Computer analysis of regulatory signals in complete bacterial genomes. Participation of ribosome binding] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1999, 33(1):133-40. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Gel'fand MS. [Computer analysis of regulatory signals in complete bacterial genomes. Participation of PurR binding] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1999, 33(1):127-32. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Roytberg MA, Pevzner PA, Gelfand MS. Performance-guarantee gene predictions via spliced alignment. Genomics. 1998, 51(3):332-9. PubMed PDF
Grigoriev IV, Rakhmaninova AB, Mironov AA. Simulated annealing for alpha-helical protein folding: searches in vicinity of the "molten globule" state. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 1998, 16(1):115-22. PubMed
И.В. Григорьев, А.Б. Рахманинова, А.А. Миронов. Моделирование сворачивания (Альфа)-спиральных белков с известной вторичной структурой. Мол. биол., 1998, 32(3):515-20. PubMed
Sze SH, Roytberg MA, Gelfand MS, Mironov AA, Astakhova TV, Pevzner PA. Algorithms and software for support of gene identification experiments. Bioinformatics. 1998, 14(1):14-9. PubMed PDF
И.В. Григорьев, С.В. Деревянко, А.Б. Рахманинова, А.А. Миронов. Оценка свободной энергии петель в глобулярных белках. Мол. биол., 1997, 31(6):1064-70. PubMed
Gelfand MS, Mironov AA, Pevzner PA. Gene recognition via spliced sequence alignment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996, 93(17):9061-6. PubMed PDF
Kapanadze BI, Brodianskii VM, Baranova AV, Sevat'ianov SIu, Fedorova ND, Kurskov MM, Kostina MA, Mironov AA, Sineokii SP, Zakhar'ev VM, Grafodatskii AS, Modianov NN, Iankovskii NK. [Cosmid libraries containing DNA from human chromosome 13] Genetika. 1996, 32(3):331-40. Russian. PubMed
Lysov YP, Gnuchev FN, Mironov AA, Chernyi AA, Beattie KL, Mirzabekov AD. Efficiency of sequencing by hybridization on oligonucleotide matrix supplemented by measurement of the distance between DNA segments. DNA Seq. 1996, 6(2):65-73. PubMed
Veiko VP, Siprashvili ZZ, Ratmanova KI, Gul'ko LB, Mironov AA. [Protein engineering of uridine phosphorylase from Escherichia coli K-12. Study of the role of cysteine residues in enzyme function] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1996, 30(1):170-6. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Alexandrov NN, Bogodarova NYu, Grigorjev A, Lebedev VF, Lunovskaya LV, Truchan ME, Pevzner PA. DNASUN: a package of computer programs for the biotechnology laboratory. Comput Appl Biosci. 1995, 11(3):331-5. PubMed
Veiko VP, Siprashvili ZZ, Ratmanova KI, Gul'ko LB, Mironov AA, Andriukhina RV, Debabov VG. [Structure-function organization of uridine phosphorylase from Escherichia coli] Dokl Akad Nauk. 1994, 339(6):819-21. Russian. PubMed
Grigoriev IV, Mironov AA, Rakhmaninova AB. Interhelical contacts determining the architecture of alpha-helical globular proteins. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 1994, 12(3):559-72. PubMed
Lysov IuP, Mironov AA, Gnuchev FN, Chernyi AA, Mirzabekov AD. [Measurement of distances between DNA segments for increasing the effectiveness of sequencing using hybridization on an oligonucleotide matrix] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1994, 28(3):652-7. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Gorin AA, Chernyi AA, Gnuchev FN, Tatuzov RL, Lysov IuP. [A compressed form for presenting data to banks on the primary and spatial structure of biopolymers. Means for accessing compressed data banks] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1994, 28(1):191-200. Russian. PubMed
Mironov AA, Lebedev VF. A kinetic model of RNA folding. Biosystems. 1993, 30(1-3):49-56. PubMed
Grigorjev AV, Mironov AA. Mapping DNA by stochastic relaxation: schedule for optimal annealing. DNA Seq. 1991, 1(4):221-6. PubMed
Bakalkin GY, Rakhmaninova AB, Akparov VK, Volodin AA, Ovchinnikov VV, Sarkisyan RA. Amino acid sequence pattern in the regulatory peptides. Int J Pept Protein Res. 1991, 38(6):505-10. PubMed
Alexandrov NN, Mironov AA. Application of a new method of pattern recognition in DNA sequence analysis: a study of E. coli promoters. Nucleic Acids Res. 1990, 18(7):1847-52. PubMed PDF
Grigorjev AV, Mironov AA. Mapping DNA by stochastic relaxation: a new approach to fragment sizes. Comput Appl Biosci. 1990, 6(2):107-11. PubMed
Aleksandrov NN, Mironov AA. [Pattern recognition in the computer analysis of nucleotide sequences] Mol Biol (Mosk). 1989, 23(5):1248-62. Russian. PubMed
Pevzner PA, Borodovsky MYu, Mironov AA. Linguistics of nucleotide sequences. II: Stationary words in genetic texts and the zonal structure of DNA. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 1989, 6(5):1027-38. PubMed
Pevzner PA, Borodovsky MYu, Mironov AA. Linguistics of nucleotide sequences. I: The significance of deviations from mean statistical characteristics and prediction of the frequencies of occurrence of words. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 1989, 6(5):1013-26. PubMed
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АА. Миронов, ЕД. Ставровская, ВЮ. Макеев. (2006) Способ исследования совместной регуляции генов бактерий и прогнозирования содержания новых регулонов и функций генов. Патент 2006127264/13 (вх. 029628).